Bike Easy is excited to announce that New Orleans’ Youth Walk & Roll Week is currently happening from October 1-7th! We’re promoting walking and biking to school, the library, and everywhere else one may go! 

Throughout New Orleans’ Walk & Roll Week, Bike Easy will be posting safety tips, fun facts, and other useful information for youth, families, and teachers.  

Bike Easy kicked off the New Orleans’ Youth Walk & Roll Week, 2023, with a pizza party, bike safety lesson, and family bike ride on the Lafitte Greenway! The event was a great way for bike riding families to connect with one another and the greater New Orleans community of bicyclists. 

A great way to participate in New Orleans’ Walk & Roll Week is to download our Youth Walk & Roll to School Week Activity Kit. It is a great way for kids to engage in biking and walking activities and learn some great safety info while having fun! 

Our Youth Walk & Roll Week packet contains lots of great printable as well as virtual activities that kids can do on their own to learn about parts of the bike, fitting helmets, rules of the road, benefits of biking and walking, great ways to explore your neighborhood and more! Visit our Bike & Walk Education Resources page to download the activity kit, access videos, quizzes and more. 

Also, New Orleans’ Youth Walk & Roll Week is a time that Bike Easy seeks partnerships with education coordinators of other nonprofits, schools, and community organizations to offer bike safety workshops, learn to rides, group rides, and other educational programming.   

If you are an educator or part of a group that would like to bring Bike Easy to your school or organization to lead bike safety programming, we would love to hear from you! Please reach out to Bike Easy’s Education Programs Coordinator, Laura Harris, at to get the conversation rolling. 

Lastly, if you or your organization would like to support Bike Easy’s youth programming as well as support our mission of making Greater Metro New Orleans fun, safe, and for everyone, please click here. 

Don’t forget to share your adventures walking and rolling around New Orleans during the week with hashtags #walkandroll and #walkandrollnola! 

See you in the streets, on the walkways, and in the classrooms promoting biking and walking as fun, safe, and accessible modes of transportation!