Key Takeaways
Major themes of the summit included funding for bike and pedestrian infrastructure, increased safety for vulnerable road users (VRUs), and encouraging individuals from all walks of life to ride bicycles for transportation. Many priorities overlap within bike advocacy at federal, state and local levels.
Bike Easy’s state level efforts depend heavily on its understanding of federal law and priorities. However, in order to advocate for constructive change in their local neighborhood, people must also be aware of what is going on in Washington, D.C., and Baton Rouge. The majority of advocates are well aware that lasting change requires persistence, patience, and time.
The most significant day of the National Bike Summit is Lobby Day, when attendees meet with senators and congressmen (or their staff) to talk about important federal laws pertaining to infrastructure, safety, and education. In our Lobby Day meetings, the Louisiana delegation pushed for the following goals as led by the League of American Bicyclists.
- Sarah Debbink Langenkamp Active Transportation Safety Act (HR1668 and S3964): this bill highlights the need to fill gaps in biking and walking networks and makes it easier for states and local governments to use Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) dollars as a “local match” to build safe bicycling and pedestrian infrastructure through HSIP and the Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP).
- The Complete Streets Act of 2024 (HR7082 and S3670): this bill directs states to set aside five percent (5%) of highway funding to create and implement a Complete Streets grant program, for which local governments will be eligible to apply. It also Requires the Federal Highway Administration to provide guidance to states on creating Complete Streets standards for local projects.
- Biking Instruction, Knowledge, and Education (BIKE) Act (HR7842): this bill specifies in-school, on bicycle education programs in elementary and secondary schools as eligible for Highway Safety Grants targeted to decreasing non-motorized road user fatalities involving motor vehicles. It also directs the Secretary of Transportation to update and disseminate curriculum for in school on bike education.
The Louisiana Delegation met with staff of the offices of of Senator Cassidy, Senator Kennedy, and Congressman Troy Carter.
Next Steps
Bike Easy will follow up with the staff members we met with at Lobby Day to continue our sustained asks to co-sponser the important bills we discussed on lobby day. To support these efforts, you can search for your elected officials’ contact info on the Louisiana Secretary of State website. Call or send an email to voice your concerns and suggestions to improve biking and safety in your community.
Bike Easy encourages residents from across New Orleans and Louisiana to contact their elected officials to discuss safety, infrastructure, and education as they relate to bicycling. We’re happy to offer our expertise prior to your outreach. We can be reached at or (504) 861-4022.