Benefits of Membership

Benefits of Membership
- Be part of building the political and financial power to needed to continue making bicycling in Greater New Orleans easy, safe, and fun for everyone
- Support Bike Easy’s community education, advocacy, and encouragement activities
- Receive discounts at participating Business Member locations by showing your Membership Card at participating Member Discount Program partners!
- Enjoy discounted and free admissions to Bike Easy events
- Be kept up-to-date with Bike Easy Monthly Email Newsletters, Action Alerts, and Special Member Announcements
- Cast your vote at the Annual Party and Membership Meeting to help guide the direction of the organization
- Get free & discounted Bike Easy swag like stickers, t-shirts, and coozies (when available)
Please give generously and become a member today. The best way to support our work to make bicycling easy, safe, and fun for everyone is to become a sustaining member. With your monthly contribution, you can give smaller monthly amounts that add up to a huge impact. It’s great to have your continuous on-going support that we can rely on.