Three weeks to go!
With 3 weeks to go until the Bike Easy Challenge, below are some quick tips and tricks to help you get the word out at your workplace and encourage people to join the challenge.
During Mardi Gras and throughout the year, biking in New Orleans should be safe and accessible for everyone. Sadly, this past weekend reminded us how far we have to go before New Orleans can reach its potential as a top-tier city for biking. That’s what the Bike Easy Challenge is all about: showing ourselves and our local leaders how many of us rely on bikes to commute to work, stay active, and have fun. Let’s make this the year to push for safe, accessible, protected, connected bike lanes throughout New Orleans.
Spread the word!
To make it easy to get your co-workers signed-up, you can use this Champion Tool Kit.
Print the Bike Easy Challenge poster and flyer, and use our quick email template to encourage your co-workers to join the Bike Easy Challenge!
Rally the existing riders at your workplace
The Bike Easy Challenge is a great tool for existing riders to help motivate their non-riding co-workers to get on a bike. The more people riding at an organization the stronger the case will be for improved end-of-journey cycling facilities, as well as greater team morale.
It’s not only about which organizations can ride the most, but which can encourage the most people to give cycling a go! Encourage staff to try riding during April to get big points and top the leaderboard – simple!
Encouraging co-workers who already ride to take part means quick wins for your organization and a better shot at going for gold!
Make sure to check out the Bike Easy Challenge Events page for fun opportunities to organize a ride with your team to a happy hour or pit stop.