New Orleans has recently applied to be recognized as a Bike Friendly Community , a distinction from the League of American Bicyclists, a national organization working to promote and uplift biking all around the country.
As part of the application, the League of American Bicyclists opens up a public survey for people in the community. Please, take a moment to fill out the survey before Friday, October 20th.
They’d like to hear from as many bicyclists in this community as possible, so if you have members or contacts in the community, please feel free to forward this link and invite others to share their input as well!
Again, this survey will close October 20th and award announcements will be made in December. It takes about 5-10 minutes to fill out, so be sure to let them hear your voice today!
Para espanol presiona aqui : https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/NewOrleansLA_BFC23esp