A message from the Board…
Dear Bike Easy Community,
Change and growth are constants in every successful organization. The last couple years have challenged the way we work, and our ability to be resilient and overcome these ever changing times. But what has never changed is our commitment to making biking easy, safe, and fun for everyone in Greater New Orleans.
We also want to take the opportunity to acknowledge Rob Bell’s departure from Bike Easy. His transition has been bittersweet, but we are truly grateful for his work at Bike Easy. Over the last 4 years, Rob worked hard to build the impressive New Orleans Complete Streets Coalition. We know you join us in thanking him for his years of dedicated service, and we are committed to ensuring that his legacy continues.
As 2021 ends, we’ve already begun planning our next steps for 2022. The Board of Directors is focused on supporting the following
- Supporting the Staff in whatever they need
- Convening a search committee that will begin the recruitment process for a new permanent executive director in early 2022
- Continuing the work on our new Strategic Plan focused on equity
- Onboarding 7 new Board members!
We are also delighted to announce that, in the interim, Deputy Director Allene La Spina has agreed to assume Executive Director duties effective immediately. As Acting Executive Director, Allene will be supported by David Meza (Community Programs Coordinator), Laura Harris, (Education Program Coordinator), Dana Marecheau (Membership & Volunteer Coordinator), Dwan Adams (Campaign Coordinator), Isabella Bustamante (Youth Programs Coordinator), and Matt Rau (Data Analysis Intern), thus ensuring a smooth continuation in operations.
Bike Easy is thriving because of the incredible staff, volunteers, and the greater community of people, and partners who are committed to our mission. Your continued support is helping the organization carry out its strategic priorities of creating deeper social connections with our neighbors and community partners, as well as building new physical connections to improved and safer roadways.
Thank you all for your support, and being part of the Bike Easy’s bright future.
All the best,
Melissa & Traci
Melissa S. Lee, Chair
Traci Birch, Vice Chair
A message from the Staff…
Dear Bike Easy Community,
This year flew by! It feels like just yesterday, our team was gathered virtually to present our 2021 program calendars, and goals. We never imagined that this year would throw so many curve balls at us, but every time we faced a new challenge, we worked together as a team to overcome it. It’s been a year of growth, and we’re excited for what the future holds.
For the next few weeks, we will:
- Spend some time going back to basics, reintroducing our Staff, and our programs to you
- Launch our End of Year Campaign “How do You Bike Easy?” on Giving Tuesday on November 30th
- Hold Smart Biking Class on December 10th and 11th
- Hold our Virtual End of Year Membership Party on Wednesday, December 16th
- Begin recruiting members for the 2022 Bike Easy April Challenge Planning Committee
We’re using this opportunity to reset, and refocus. We also want to use this time to shout a BIG THANK YOU for your continued support! Whether you recently heard of Bike Easy, or if you have supported us for years, we couldn’t do the work we do without you!
Have a safe, and Happy Thanksgiving!
In gratitude,
The Bike Easy Team!