A letter reflecting on the big wins in 2022, and our dreams for 2022…
December 31st has always given me an excuse to reflect on the wins and challenges of the year. Today, I feel very fortunate to be able to do my reflecting literally sitting in front of the small road I learned how to ride my bike growing up in Colombia. I remember riding for hours on end back and forth on this road and never getting bored. As I grew up and began using my bike as my main means of transportation, I discovered so much freedom as well as other people who loved biking as much as I did. The truth is the more I bike the more I love it, and the Bike Community in NOLA has been one of the most welcoming communities I’ve experienced.
That’s why this year, during our end of year fundraising we asked our supporters “How Do You Bike Easy” to learn more about their dreams and their priorities, and make sure we’re able to continue to make biking easy, safe, and fun for everyone in Greater New Orleans. We discovered that everyone that follows us does it for different reasons, but the common denominator is the joy that bicycling brings!
Donate today to help us to make biking easy, safe and fun for everyone in Greater New Orleans!
And, in the spirit of making all of our challenges an opportunity for growth; here are some big wins for Bike Easy in 2021:
- Launched our new–and improved–website! Not only did we spruced it up, but we added a lot of resources for folks, including an Activity Book in English and Spanish that teachers, parents and guardians can easily access.
- Held our first stakeholder meeting for the Louisiana Bootlace Trails Network, with the idea to create a seamless walking and biking network for recreation, transportation and tourism that stretches over 100+ miles from Baton Rouge to the Mississippi Gulf Coast by linking existing and future trails and greenways together.
- Held our second Bike Easy Scavenger Hunt, which included a Northshore Adventure and an After Party at The Broadside.
- Grew our Youth Education Programming and worked with more schools and clubs to help kids of all ages learn the principles of bike safety.
- Wrapped a successful Membership Month fundraiser with a new member only event that included a bike maintenance session and workshop in the Greenway.
- Welcomed back Bike Share system, that is now locally managed and owned by Blue Krewe, a non-profit offering a convenient, fun, and healthy way to experience the city we love.
- Said goodbye to Staff and Board, and welcomed new folks eager to help us continue to grow over the next few years.
And to learn more, check our end of year presentation specially made for you!
Indeed, so many wins!
Currently, for our end of year fundraiser we have been able to raise $27,553.00, surpassing our original goal of 25K. Help us reach our new goal of $30,000.00 by making a donation today, signing up or renewing your membership, or even increasing your current Sustaining membership!
Sitting as an Acting Director for an organization I cherish so much is a big responsibility, but more than anything it is a huge privilege. I’m particularly looking forward to the wins for 2022 which will include:
- Continuing the work on our new Strategic Plan with a focus on equity.
- Bringing back the Bicycle Second Line in May.
- Partnering with the RTA to bring to their 400+ operators our People Friendly Driving class.
- Increasing our focus on Youth and Workplaces on this year’s Bike Easy April Challenge.
- Bringing more bike parking solutions to local organizations.
- And so much more!
I know I can speak for my amazing team: We want to thank you for all your support and wish ya’ll a very happy 2022!
Warm wishes,
Allene La Spina
Acting Executive Director