Road Riding 101

This 5-part class will provide in depth safety trainings for elementary and middle school students. Bike Easy will introduce and reinforce the basics of safe bicycling and give students an opportunity to practice skills in-depth and ultimately graduate into a short road ride.
- Bicycle Safety & Basic Maintenance
- Students will be able to fit a helmet and check if their bicycle is in safe working order.
- Students will know the basic equipment required for bicycle commuting
- Students learn about bicycle fit and how to make minor adjustments
- Students learn to diagnose basic problems on their bikes
- Students practice fixing a flat tire on their own bike
- Traffic Skills
- Students will learn rules of the road, including their rights and responsibilities as a bicyclist.
- Students will know the rules of the road for motorists driving around bicyclists and pedestrians
- Transportation Choices & Route Planning
- Students will gain an introduction to the benefits of bicycling and transportation choices
- Students will gain experience route planning for bicycling
Class 1 – In class: benefits of bicycling, transportation choices & traffic safety (1hr)
Class 2 – In class: basic maintenance –fixing a flat tire (1hr)
Class 3 – On bike: riding drills – starting/stopping/straight line riding; scanning & signaling; chalk roads (1hr)
Class 4 – On bike: riding drills – slalom; rock dodge; chalk roads with pedestrians (1hr)
Class 5 – In class: route planning & group ride orientation; On bike: short group ride (1hr)
Class Duration: 5 hours (can be broken down into shorter sessions)
Class Location: Classroom and blacktop, parking lot, basketball court or gym
Class Size: 5-30 students
Instructors: 2
Equipment: Education materials, slides, bikes, helmets, cones, chalk, traffic signs
Availability of loaner bikes: Fleet of 15 youth bikes and helmets available upon request and pending fleet availability
Registration Policy: For more info or to set up a class, contact