Teacher Training

Bike Easy works with schools and municipalities to teach basic bike and pedestrian safety education for teachers. The course focuses on teaching elementary and middle school students. The workshop will be taught by Bike Easy Instructors who are certified League of American Bicyclists Cycling Instructors.
This “Train the Trainers” workshops is structured as:
- Safety Classes – These presentations aim to give students the essentials of bicycle and pedestrian safety in a short, assembly-style format.
● Bike Rodeos – The rodeos focus on giving youth participants the essential skills they need to bicycle safely, while creating a fun and playful series of activities for them to learn. We practice motor skills, go through mock intersections and demonstrate signaling to reinforce traffic principles.
Once the teachers have finished the class, they will have the basic knowledge of bike and pedestrian safety. This will be followed by an in-class session at your school, where Bike Easy leads a sample lesson for your students, the PE teacher duplicates, and after the final feedback you will receive a certificate of completion.
Class Duration: 5 hours for teacher training workshop, followed 4 by in-class sessions
Class Location: Blacktop, parking lot, basketball court or gym
Class Size: 5-15 teachers
Instructors: 2
Equipment: Bikes, helmets, cones, chalk, traffic signs
Availability of loaner bikes: A bike is required for teachers completing the training. Please let us know if you do not have a bike. Bike Easy’s fleet of 15 youth bikes and helmets available upon request and pending fleet availability for youth classes, and New Orleans teachers who have completed the training will be eligible to check out bikes from the N.O. Health Department
Registration Policy: For more info or to set up a training, contact laura@bikeeasy.org