Melanie Munsey, Board Member

Melanie Munsey moved to New Orleans from Chicago in May 2022. As a longtime bike commuter in the city of Chicago, Melanie continues to be active in the bike community in New Orleans without the hardships of biking in snow! Those experiences commuting all over Chicagoland inspired her desire to advocate for better bike infrastructure and safer streets for all users. Her biking these days is more recreational than functional as she works from home as the VP of Professional Services for Perceptyx (an employee research tech company). In her nearly three years as a full-time resident in New Orleans, she’s become active in the non-profit community via volunteer work and as a 2023 graduate for Emerging Philanthropists of New Orleans (EPNO).
Melanie is known for her distinctive watermelon helmet so if you see her biking around town, please say hello!