As the Education Programs Assistant, you will: Work collaboratively with the Education and Policy Manager to implement all aspects of Bike Easy’s bicycle education and safety programming. Assisting in coordinating...
We’re hiring a new Youth Programs Coordinator at Bike Easy! Job description and submission information below: As the Youth Programs Coordinator, you will: Work collaboratively with the Education and Policy...
Allene, The last few weeks have been so hectic, they almost feel like a blur… There has been a lot of networking, traveling, and program planning for the next couple...
It is with great joy that we announce today that starting on Monday, Bike Easy will have a full time Education and Policy Manager, and her name is: Laura Harris!...
Happy Thanksgiving! Today we want to take a moment to thank the Bike Community for the great experiences it gave us this year.  We truly believe that the adventures we...
We’re excited to share some really great news, and also invite you to help us continue to make biking easy, safe, and fun for everyone in Greater New Orleans by...
Bike Easy is seeking a new Executive Director to steward the organization and further the mission to make bicycling easy, safe, and fun for everyone in Greater New Orleans. The...
Getting to know Dana Marecheau– Membership & Volunteer Coordinator– and Bike Easy’s Membership & Volunteer Program. This is Bike Easy’s fourth installment of our Back to Basics series, introducing our...
Getting to know Laura Harris – Education Programs Programs Coordinator – and Bike Easy’s Education Programs! The third installment of our Back to Basics series, introducing our team, mission and...
Getting to know David Meza – Community Programs Coordinator – and Bike Easy’s Community Programs! The second installment of our Back to Basics series, introducing our team, mission and work to...