If you are driving, make sure to be mindful of your surroundings and watch out for people biking and walking, as well as other drivers. Stay alert while driving and avoid any extra distractions, such as talking on the phone while driving. If you have had too much to drink, do not drive and use a ride share service or public transportation instead.
If you do plan on drinking, make sure you have a safe method of transportation arranged to get home before heading out for the night. This way you can be sure to not put yourself and others in danger by driving or biking while under the influence.
If you are out on your bike this weekend, do a quick safety check of your bike before heading out (you can check out our video on this if you’re not sure how to do so!), have a route planned out ahead of time to get home safely, and make sure to always wear your helmet. If you’ll be riding at nighttime, you’ll want to make sure your bike lights are working properly and turn them on when it starts to get dark out.
No matter how you plan to get around this weekend, make sure to always follow the rules of the road. Stay safe and have a great holiday weekend!