Speaking up for safe streets and sidewalks in New Orleans East

Thanks to everyone who came out to GirlTrek’s Complete Streets Rally at Eastshore Playground this Saturday. New Orleans East is a huge and vital part of what makes our city what it is, and for too long hasn’t gotten its share of attention and resources. That includes the bikeways, walking paths, bus shelters, and safe crosswalks that make for safe and healthy neighborhoods.
GirlTrek New Orleans is mobilizing their strong and growing local membership for a data-driven and equity-focused Complete Streets policy as necessary to building healthy, safe, and vibrant communities. At Bike Easy, we’re working hand in hand with GirlTrek and the American Heart Association in the fight for safe and accessible streets and sidewalks for New Orleans East and every neighborhood across New Orleans.
Thanks to local leaders Councilmember Kristin Gisleson Palmer, Councilmember Cyndi Nguyen, and Laura Bryan, Director of the Office of Transportation, who are working to make that promise a reality. And thanks to everyone who joined us at Eastshore Playground to rally for safe and accessible streets built to share!
I appreciate #GirlTrek for bringing awareness to the Complete Streets legislation by hosting today’s rally. I look forward to continue working to ensure our streets are built to accommodate everyone. #completestreetsrally #girltrek #noladistrictC
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YEPNOLA pic.twitter.com/MflGLnJdo3— Kristin G. Palmer (@kgislesonpalmer) February 2, 2019