Here’s what helped us survive and thrive this past year: our bikes and our members.

This year we helped transform New Orleans’ bike infrastructure. Almost exactly one year ago, Mayor Cantrell painted some of the Moving New Orleans Bikes initiative’s first protected and low-stress bikeways. Today, 10 miles of protected bikeways have been built in Algiers, Elysian Fields Avenue and surrounding streets have protected bikeways, and 50 more miles are planned for construction this year.

We’re proud of what we’ve accomplished, but we also know that we would not have been able to spend time and resources advocating for this critical bike safety infrastructure without the support of Bike Easy Members. 

This May, we’re celebrating this milestone, and the many other accomplishments Bike Easy Members supported, by launching our Membership Month campaign, #JoinUp! We’ll be kicking off this year’s Membership Month on May 4th, GiveNOLA Day. So, mark your calendar and save the date!

Want to get a head start on #GiveNOLA day? Early giving for #GiveNOLA Day starts on April 20th, Donate $35 or over to renew or start your Bike Easy Membership for the next year!

During our #JoinUp! campaign, we’ll celebrate Bike Easy’s community of dedicated members and showcase how membership helps us turn our vision of making biking safe, easy, and fun for everyone in Greater New Orleans, into a reality.

Membership is more than a donation. Becoming a member of Bike Easy is your commitment to creating safe, easy, and fun transportation options for everyone in New Orleans.

Plus, joining up as a member of Bike Easy give you:

All month long, we’ll be sharing members’ stories and hosting events to celebrate the momentum we’ve gained over the last year.

And, of course, we’ll be asking you to start or renew your Bike Easy Membership by contributing at least $35. Click here to get a head start with Early Giving for #GiveNOLA day. 

Whatever your reasons for riding, investing in Bike Easy is the best way to ensure biking is safe, easy, and fun  for everyone in Greater New Orleans.

If you’d really like to make a lasting impact, sign up as a Sustaining Member with an easy, automatic monthly donation to support Bike Easy’s education, advocacy, and community work.

Our vision wouldn’t come true without your continued support!