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NEW ORLEANS– With the goal of connecting our city with safe and accessible paths for biking, walking, and driving, the NOLA Complete Streets Coalition is well on it’s way to getting the job done.

The latest project is downtown on O’Keffe St.

Robert Henig Bell of Bike Easy and the coalition says, “It’s gonna be protected bike lanes connecting people to jobs downtown, to destinations downtown, especially for folks uptown, Central City, Broadmoor.”

The coalition consists of about 30 different organization. A lot of the work has been done in this effort, and connecting the city is important for the safety of everyone.

Bell says, “If you’re walking you don’t want the sidewalk to just end where you’re walking. You don’t want the bike lane to just end and leave you in the middle of a crazy intersection.”

Also on the way is more of the new protected bike lanes meant to further enhance public safety.

Bell continued, ”If you’re driving, you’re gonna have less people biking right in front of you as you drive, and if you’re biking you have a lot more peace of mind that about cars not entering in the lane and clipping you from behind and the sorts of dangerous things we see from time to time.”

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