We love you, New Orleans.Hey neighbor, I hope you’re doing ok after yesterday’s horrific attack on Bourbon St. A Federal investigation is underway, and the City’s emergency responses are in full swing. As information continues to emerge, we’re sharing a roundup of resources for you here. Check out below for ways you can get or offer help in the wake of the crisis. Above all, we’re sending love, care, and peace to everyone impacted by this crisis, especially the victims and their families, survivors, witnesses and first responders, and residents and workers in the French Quarter and St. Roch. In Solidarity, The CBNO Team NOLAReady Updates 
First: Take Care of YourselfAre you hydrated? Is there space to let go a little tension in your jaw? In the space between your eyebrows? Can your next breath be the deepest breath you’ve taken all day? Be gentle on yourself, and seek support if you need it. You’re doing great. For more quick tips to calm your nervous system – see here. For general support, mental health, and trauma recovery assistance: 
Resources for Victims & SurvivorsCrime Survivors NOLA have developed a comprehensive guide for survivors and victims. It is available in both English and Spanish here. Check back on the site for updated resources as they become available, and see below for immediate updates. Big thanks to the survivors who developed this guide. For Information, Finding & Reporting Missing persons - Orleans Parish Residents, call 311 and press option 3.
- Outside of Orleans Parish call (504) 658-2299 and Press Option 3
Family reunification for victims families is at University Medical Center Conference Center, 1st Floor, across from Tower 2 (see map above) Operation NOLA Victim Support Hub is open today until 10pm at the New Orleans Family Justice Center, 701 Loyola Ave. You can meet in person with victim service providers to access emergency help (including financial assistance) and guidance. Coordinated by the Orleans Parish Sheriff’s Office Victim Assistance Division and other local partners. - For direct access to a crime victim service provider call:
(504) 355-0846 (Direct) (504) 866-9554 (24-hr helpline) (504) 872-1059 (Orleans Parish Sheriff’s Office Crime Support Cell)
Go to GuideHow you can helpIf you have the capacity to help out right now, here are some ways you can provide support: - Donate Blood – The Blood Center is hosting emergency blood drives across the region. Find a location here.
- FBI Tip Line – If you have information that may be useful to the ongoing investigation, report it here.
- Donate funds to help victim-survivors directly: Greater New Orleans Foundation and United Way SELA have both set up victim support funds.
Be a Good NeighborIf you have the capacity to help out right now, help out! Check in on your neighbors, and friends, especially residents and workers in the French Quarter, and first responders and offer your assistance. Help people who don’t have internet to access resources like the ones above. Above all, be kind. We’re all in this together. Wishing you & yours a safe and peaceful New Year. |