I’m really excited to reintroduce our Policy & Design Committee!  A group of policy experts – and policy enthusiasts – that have been meeting for a long time to discuss local/state policies, make recommendations on potential new infrastructure, suggest changes, and lead initiatives like the Safety Sunday Bikeway Cleanups amongst others.  This group meets every month and is currently co-chaired by Charlie Thomas and yours truly.  It also includes some of our Board Members and community members, and IT IS OPEN TO THE PUBLIC!  If you would like to join the discussion, reply to this email and I’ll add you to our invite, or keep an eye on our socials for dates, times and location.  We’ve hosted speakers from local and state agencies and do our best to host a space to voice concerns and encourage dialogue for change.  To learn more click here

Also want to remind y’all that the next Complete Streets Working Group is taking place on Monday, September 9th from 1:00 pm to 2:30 pm at 1300  Perdido Street (8th Floor Conference Room).  This group gathers city and non city agencies AND IS OPEN TO THE PUCLIC.  Join us and hear updates on the Safe Streets for All planning project, the protected bikeway measures funded by the recently awarded Climate Pollution Reduction Grant, and planned improvements to N. Rampart Street, among other initiatives.  Also, If you missed reading the 2023 City of New Orleans Complete Streets Annual Report click here

I want to take this moment to reintroduce Charlie Thomas from Bike Law Louisiana who has been one of our longest standing Community Partner, and a continued supporter of our work.  On a personal note, he has also been a strong encourager including on that cold morning a couple of years ago when I braved doing NOMA to NOMA to experience what it was like to ride around the lake!  Read more below:

Our resident bike lawyer is Charlie Thomas. He’s ridden tens of thousands of miles in New Orleans since he was a child. He hopes that every bike ride ends as intended – rubber side down and with a smile.

But if that’s not the case, he’s here to help. From his downtown New Orleans law firm of Huber Thomas, Charlie represents bicyclists. You’ve probably seen his “Bike Law” insignia on water bottles, posters in bike shops, or even emblazoned on race support cars. Charlie practices law in Louisiana, Texas, Mississippi, and Washington D.C. and has dedicated his practice to helping riders when things don’t go as expected. He’s seen just about every type of incident involving a bike since he became involved with his first bike case nearly 20 years ago, in 2005.

“There was a need for legal representation in the bike community. Most attorneys don’t know how it feels to have a parked car door open right in front of you, have someone aggressively swerve at you, or what happens when your front tire tracks into a road groove,” says Charlie. “Those are critical concepts to understand when presenting in court.”

The experiences of bicyclists are not lost on Charlie, who has been a part of the bike community for nearly 30 years. He raced in the Pro/1/2 category of USA Cycling and served as President of the Texas A&M Cycling Team. He grew up in New Orleans, working at Bayou Bicycles starting at an age young enough that would now be frowned upon.

In 2015, Charlie was personally harassed by a driver. He was out for a ride on Esplanade Avenue with his young daughter. Charlie pursued a case against the driver and set the standard for compensation if someone harasses a bicyclist ($4,500). He donated the funds to Bike Easy.

Bike Law was formed in 1998 after the founder, Peter Wilborn, lost his brother Jim. Jim was killed while riding his bike by a driver who blew a red light. The Wilborn family hired a lawyer (the best in town, they were told), who asked the grieving family if Jim had a DUI. Peter stammered “No. Why do you ask?!” The lawyer responded, “Why else would a grown man be on a bike?” Peter knew in that moment that our community deserved better: lawyers who actually care, who stand up for cyclists, and who fight for every sliver of justice.

Of course, the larger goal is for people to be able to ride around safely. “I would love nothing more than to put us out of business if the need for Bike Law stops,” Charlie said. “Unfortunately, we’re as busy as ever right now.”

There is nothing inherently dangerous about riding a bike. However, things can go wrong when someone makes the decision to text and drive. This is also why Charlie, alongside Bike Easy, advocates for better infrastructure on our roads (such as protected bike lanes). Charlie served on Bike Easy’s Board of Directors from 2014 – 2017 and has continued since that time as Co-Chair of the Policy and Design Committee.

Charlie’s professional racing days are over, but he remains competitive in the fight for his clients. He’s handled more than 1,000 cases. But he’d much rather meet you socially on a bike ride or at a Bike Easy event than after you’ve been involved in a crash. Of course, he’s there for you if you need him as he fiercely protects the right for everyone to get around safely.

If the need arises, Charlie welcomes you to reach him at or 504-274-2500.

Upcoming Events

  • 9.7.24 – Adult Learn to Ride – 9:00 am to 11:00 am – NORD Clubhouse (1891 St. Louis Street) – To learn more and to register click here
  • 9.21.24 – The Not-So-Easy Bike Easy Scavenger Hunt – 3:00 pm to 6:00 pm – Jazz Museum (400 Esplanade Ave) – Compete as a team of 3, 4 or 5 and complete as many challenges in 2 hours for a chance to win a 250.00 gift card to a bike shop of your choice.  To learn more and to register click here 
  • 10.19.24 – Annual Bicycle Second Line Powered by Entergy – 10:00 am to 3:30 pm – The Broadside – Pre-Registration is Open!  Click here to learn more, pre-register AND pre order your t-shirt

Looking forward to seeing y’all at our events this Fall!

In Service,

Allene La Spina
Executive Director